I like the opportunities and challenges that living in community provide. I am a child of the 60s.
Notion.SanghaOfOne.com is an experimental website (including a Satsang Archive) … “In the gentle whispers of a contemplative meditation, Magdi Badawy invites us to explore a profound landscape of consciousness — a realm beyond words, where the boundaries of self dissolve into an infinite, boundless awareness.”
Magdi emphasizes that the people in the Sangha are together as the same reality, the same awareness, and the same consciousness. He views the group as a collective of the one reality.
Holger: No empty excitement, nothing more to get, but the openness towards ideas and possibilities: Ya but! Space to explore… Shamelessly send me an email or meet me at the GardenOfFriends.com.
YOur village as a place of community. I am reminded of Zappos CEO Tony Hsiehs buying spree of downtown Las…