  1. I like the opportunities and challenges that living in community provide. I am a child of the 60s.

Post Stream
  • Magdi Badawy

    Magdi Badawy is an experimental website (including a Satsang Archive) … “In the gentle whispers of a contemplative meditation, Magdi Badawy invites us to explore a profound landscape of consciousness — a realm beyond words, where the boundaries of self dissolve into an infinite, boundless awareness.”

  • Magdi & Sangha

    Magdi & Sangha

    Magdi emphasizes that the people in the Sangha are together as the same reality, the same awareness, and the same consciousness. He views the group as a collective of the one reality.

  • yOur village in California

    yOur village in California

    Holger: No empty excitement, nothing more to get, but the openness towards ideas and possibilities:             Ya but!     Space to explore…         Shamelessly send me an email or meet me at the or Nondual.Community: If you like to support me financially, click here.