“We all aspire for causeless happiness, there is no way around it. But is happiness possible when you are struggling, resisting and seeking, regretting and hoping…”
Author: Holger
yOur business is to awaken from the impression of separation and limitation 🥰
Consciousness is the only reality.
Consciousness is the only reality.
It is thus the reality of the world,
of the body and of the mind.
Like water is the essence of the waves,
the currents and the spume. -
yOur village in California
No empty excitement, nothing more to get,
but the openness towards ideas and possibilities:- I can see myself humbly living in nature, with privacy.
- Sharing a forested property with friends, with privacy.
- Some shared spaces:
kitchen, garden, compost,
meeting/office, workshop, storage.
- Friends living together,
with a shared interest in art & education. - Open for diversity (all ages)
with a common love for life. - Not a cult, not a hiding place.
(I love Trader Joe’s and Costco).
- Offering public retreats/workshops, publications (non-duality, growing food, business-heart.com)
Ya but!
- Many details, but not a problem.
- I am just sharing this idea here,
free of expectation or attachment. - It feels good to me;
natural and normal to live together
(preferably in walking-distance)
Space to explore…
- Thinking allowed, thinking aloud;
or maybe just to deeply listen. - No need to figure this all out right now,
just to check-in if there is a ‘yes’ somewhere. - Room to grow and to learn,
free of the sense of lack.
Shamelessly send me an email or meet me at the GardenOfFriends.com.
Magdi & Sangha
Magdi refers to the Sangha in the context of a gathering of people to explore truth, often in a group setting. These gatherings often include a guided meditation, followed by questions and discussion. Here’s a breakdown of what Magdi says about Sangha:
● Shared Reality:
Magdi emphasizes that the people in the Sangha are together as the same reality, the same awareness, and the same consciousness. He views the group as a collective of the one reality.● Exploration:
The Sangha provides a space for shared exploration of truth and understanding.● Support for Understanding:
The Sangha is an opportunity to support each other’s understanding of the true nature of reality. In one meeting, Magdi says, “We meet as one. We invite ourselves and we invite each other to just for now, suspend the past, suspend our stories. Invite the mind and the body to, to relax, to rest and to recognize its essence, which is available to each one of us.”● Love and Connection:
There is a sense of love and connection among the members of the Sangha, with Magdi saying that he feels close to everyone. He often expresses his love for the group and for sharing the love.● Guidance:
Magdi provides guidance during these meetings, facilitating meditation and encouraging contemplation. He encourages questions and provides answers from a place of non-duality.● Intimacy:
Magdi describes the meetings as a sharing of “seamless presence” and an “intimate welcoming” into presence, where the true self can be revealed.● No Separation:
The Sangha emphasizes the understanding that there is no separation between people, that “we are one”. Magdi states that “as peace, we are one. The me, the you, we are one in this peace”.● Beyond Personal Identity:
The Sangha is an opportunity to recognize oneself as more than a personal identity. It is a recognition of “one reality, one consciousness” rather than separate personalities.● Fresh Perspective:
The Sangha gatherings are opportunities to meet each other and one’s experience “freshly” without the past or narratives.● The nature of the Self:
Members of the sangha are invited to recognize that the self is not a body mind entity but rather “this formless awareness”.In essence, Magdi’s view of the Sangha is that it is a group that comes together to recognize their shared, formless, and universal nature through meditation, inquiry, and loving connection.